The Comedy of Errors
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"The Comedy of Errors" is a musical comedy based on the play of the same name by William Shakespeare. The story follows two sets of identical twins who were separated at birth and the ensuing chaos that occurs when they reunite in the same town. Antipholus of Syracuse and his servant Dromio arrive in Ephesus in search of their long-lost twin brothers, Antipholus of Ephesus and his servant Dromio. Mistaken identity and confusion ensue as the characters are constantly mistaken for their twin, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps.
The musical adaptation features a score by composer and lyricist Stephen Sondheim, known for his work on other hit shows like "Sweeney Todd" and "Into the Woods." The music includes upbeat and catchy tunes like "Everybody's Got a Cousin" and "The Shortest Day of the Year," as well as heartfelt ballads such as "Falling in Love with Love" and "This Can't Be Love." The show is a lighthearted and entertaining romp through Shakespeare's classic tale, infused with Sondheim's trademark wit and humor.