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"Aladdin" is a popular musical based on the Disney animated film of the same name. The show features music by Alan Menken, lyrics by Howard Ashman, Tim Rice, and Chad Beguelin, and a book by Chad Beguelin. It premiered on Broadway in 2014 and has since been performed in numerous productions worldwide.
The story of "Aladdin" follows the adventures of a streetwise young man named Aladdin who falls in love with a beautiful princess named Jasmine. Along with his mischievous monkey friend Abu and a magical Genie, Aladdin embarks on a quest to defeat the evil sorcerer Jafar and win the heart of Jasmine.
The musical features many of the beloved songs from the original film, including "Arabian Nights," "One Jump Ahead," "Friend Like Me," and "A Whole New World." It also includes several new songs written specifically for the stage production, such as "Proud of Your Boy" and "A Million Miles Away."
"Aladdin" is known for its stunning visual effects, elaborate costumes, and energetic dance numbers. The show has been praised for its vibrant and colorful portrayal of the story, and has become a popular favorite among audiences of all ages.